Friday, May 11

friday five

1. What is your all time favorite book?
"All-time" questions only make sense if they are posed to a dying man. I have hardly lived, barely started, so I can only answer for now. I really enjoyed Rushdie's Midnight Children and Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. Balzac's treatment of Old Goriot was very eloquently done. Authors that I respect and admire are Kafka, Dostoevsky, Camus and Shakespeare.

2. What is your all time favorite movie?
It changes all the time because I have only recently begun my film education. For now, I really like Kurosawa's Ikiru. I remember falling in love with the visual aesthetics of Wong Kar Wai's films, especially In the Mood For Love. I could watch that again and again.

3. What are you reading right now?
Something I should have read a long time ago: Wuthering Heights.

4. What is your favorite show on tv?
Frasier, Seinfeld, Mythbusters, Friends (for nostalgia)

5. What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
I think it was 300? I really want to watch 28 Days/Weeks Later and Sunshine.