Monday, May 12

Is there a job that pays to read and get excited about buying new books?

Today I bought Junichiro Tanizaki's The Reed Cutter & Captain Shigemoto's Mother. After I'm done with Camus' The Plague (yes, finally) I shall pick it up. Not unless my sister's colleague who is visiting Goa this week comes back with any of the four books (I had to really narrow it down for the sake of courtesy) I've asked him to pick up. We're unsure what the Goa scene is like, whether there are as many bookstores there as there are in Delhi. I'm keeping my fingers, toes and other knottable parts crossed. The list is as follows: Stephen Alter's Fantasies of a Bollywood Love Thief; Chitrita Banerji's Eating India; Anjum Hasan's Lunatic In My Head; Vikram Chandra's Love & Longing In Bombay.

I kid you not, the anticipation is killing me.


Unknown said...

Website: (Look up for upcoming events) Diviya Kapur moved from Delhi to Goa and from a legal career to one that revolves around ...

Hey hoping this is of use.

